相信[103 美國直購 USAShop]兒童音波牙刷 Philips Sonicare HX6311/07 Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush for Kids $2098因該很多人都聽過也滿多人有購買,但是










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Product Description

The Philips Sonicare Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush for Kids has been expertly designed for growing children in order to encourage healthy brushing habits and deliver outstanding results—even when they are brushing on their own. Sonicare’s technology is 75 percent more efficient at plaque removal than a manual toothbrush. The KidTimer extends brushing time each day until your child reaches the dentist-recommended two minutes and the KidPacer feature makes fun sounds to encourage a thorough brushing. Two different power settings combined with an ultra-soft brush head result in a comfortable and efficient cleaning. Eight interchangeable stickers permit your child to customize their toothbrush how they want it.

Gentle yet Effective

Sonicare’s patented technology delivers 500 brushstrokes per second to remove up to 75 percent more plaque in hard-to-reach areas than a manual toothbrush. Kid-friendly high and low power modes allow your child to receive a gentle yet effective clean.

Easy to Use

An ergonomically designed handle makes brushing together with parents or on their own a simple and comfortable task. The rubberized ultra-soft brush head ensures a thorough, gentle clean, protecting teeth as they grow. It is ideal for children with braces to go in and around brackets. A stabilized hand piece allows children to apply toothpaste with ease while the toothbrush lies flat on the counter.

Fun for Kids

The Philips Sonicare Toothbrush for Kids aims to make brushing teeth fun. KidPacer Fun sounds encourage children to clean all areas of the mouth, and they can customize their toothbrush using eight interchangeable stickers.

Philips Soni哪個最便宜care Toothbrush for Kids features:

  1. Sonicare’s patented technology removes up to 75 percent more plaque removal in hard to reach areas than a manual toothbrush

  2. KidTimer gradually increases to the dentist-recommended 2 minutes of brushing

  3. KidPacer encourages kids to brush the front and back of upper and lower teeth

  4. Kid-friendly high and low power settings

  5. Ultra-soft brush head

  6. Eight interchangeable stickers

  7. Easy grip handle
  8. 到貨付款

  9. Stabilized hand piece

Product Details

    • Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.8 x 6.5 inches ; 10.4 ounces

    • Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces

    • ASIN: B00G5L867C

    • UPC: 075020039385

    • Item model number: HX6311/07

    • Batteries 1 Lithium ion batteries required.




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